I am husband and father who loves God and loves people. By the grace of God, I am a born again believer. God’s design is for us to walk with God and seek to worship and serve him. Life has its challenges and we often face twists and turns along the way. The thoughts on this blog are my personal viewpoints on various matters, especially as they relate to our walk with God.
I am a member of Rochester Christian Church and a Bible Study leader at RCC. The comments that I share on this blog are my personal viewpoints and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of RCC.
I am also the owner of SharePoint Business Solutions, Inc. I am a consultant for the Microsoft technology / software called SharePoint. For further information about SharePoint and a related blogs, go to www.sharepointbiz.com.
One Comment
Cole Harmel
Cecil: I would never expect you to remember me, but I must tell you that you remain “tall” in my own memory…..in more than a literal way. You supervised our old landscape crew, back in the days of Southwestern Seminary. You must have “shaken your head” more than once, at some of my bone-headed moments while driving the old lawnmowers we used during the spring and summer of 1986! I just happened to run across your post, here, as I was prompted to look up some of our fellow seminarians. I won’t say too much more, as for now, but I figured it would encourage you to know that God never let me forget you. Will always recall, most notably, how you would set your “sermon notecards” on that metal plate—as you would ride along mowing our assigned area for the day. I even tried such a thing in recent years, while one of my part-time jobs was doing security work by way of a golf cart(as I patroled a large parking lot area)! Anyway, God Bless You in the fullest—and may your life continue to shine for HIM! D. Cole Harmel