Our church (RCC) is in the middle of a series called, “Do Something: Make Your Life Count.” We are using the materials from the book by Miles McPherson. As a Bible Study leader at RCC, we are studying various scriptures as it relates to this theme. This past Sunday we looked at the Matthew 3-4 and saw in the scriptures that God prepares His people for what He wants to accomplish. We not only see that John the Baptist “prepared” the way (Matthew 3) but also that Jesus was led by the Spirit and fasted 40 days to “prepare” himself for the upcoming temptations and His earthly ministry (Matthew 4). …
What does the Bible say about suicide?
I was asked this question: Cecil, what is your belief on whether or not a Christian would go to heaven if he or she commits suicide? Here was my response: I believe we are saved by grace, not by works (Eph. 2:8-9). Even though it appears we “choose” to accept Christ, it is clear in John 3:3-8 that we are born again and our salvation is actually the work of God. We were once “dead” but made “alive” (Eph. 2:4-6). The Bible also says that Jesus holds the believer in His hand and nothing / no one can snatch him away (John 10:27-30). Romans 8:38 also says that “nothing” can…